miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

5th Session 9 march: ATHLETICS

This day was unforgettable!!!

Our super-coach was Javier Figueras..... he is always a wonderful teacher in our school.....

We took a small bus in Vera and Javi was teaching things about Athletics in our journey......

We were taken a photo with FERMIN CACHO!!!!

Firtsly, It was the older race...... 

Secondly, the younger race......




Everyone needed to replenish energy........

Our schoolmate Paula was the second in her race!!!!

Teacher Javier was the first and the teacher Belén was the third in their category.....

Teacher Belén dedicated her trophy to her students.....

And teacher Miryam came to Puerto Lumbreras to see the race.......

1 comentario:

  1. ¡Qué suerte tiene este grupo de alumnas y alumnos!...
    Dos profes: Javier y Belén y además,... ¡ dos triunfadores!
    ¡Ánimo a todos los alumnos y alumnas del grupo!. ¡A seguir sus pasos, sus valores y sus triunfos!
    ¡FELICIDADES A TODOS!, y ... ¡Seguid disfrutando!

    Un abrazo,
